Kanaa Kaanum Kaalangal!

You are already playing the song, right?
1st of all, 7G is the film that I’ve watched the maximum number of times in my life. Probably somewhere around 150?!? I missed watching the movie in theatres so watched it on DVD when I was in my 9th grade. This was probably the first film that literally choked me and made my heart heavy. I woke my Amma up and cried my heart out. Few films DID make me cry.. like Thulladha Manamum Thullum, Poovellam Un Vaasam etc. But, what 7G did to me was something I never thought it would. To me, Kathir & Anitha aren’t just names.
I know this movie’s dialogues & scenes by heart more than all those Memory Poems back in school days. I can recite those dialogues, hum the BGMs & sing along as the songs of 7G are being played. 😎 Hashtag Special Skills
Coming to the song part. Let me be honest, I love ‘Kan Pesum Vaarthaigal..’ more than ‘Kanaa Kaanum Kaalangal..’. But, there’s something unique about this one. I’ve heard my cousin talk for an hour about the song, but as a Typical 90’s Kid who was then in his 9th grade, I didn’t exactly understand the hype around the song. It took me a while to digest the after effects of watching 7G. I watched the film again.. again & again. I’d started processing the song in Kathir & Anitha’s POV & then I was able to get it. I finally got the hype after some 6 months!
Composed by Yuvan Shankar Raja, it has vocals of Harish Raghavendra, Srimathumitha & Ustad Sultan Khan (Popular Sarangi Artist) & is penned by Na Muthukumar.
The Sarangi prelude of the song which has the matured sound, gives it its much needed innocence. Harish Raghavendra & Srimathumitha are such a blessing to this beautiful number & I can’t imagine any other combination of voices that’s as perfect as this one 🙂 I like Yuvan’s idea of placing Ustad Sultan Khan’s voice in the 1st Interlude. I mean, the voice which has an old classical touch, adds such an innocent charm to a love song and this attempt FOR SURE deserves a mention!
I seriously don’t know what gets into the mind of Na Muthukumar and Yuvan Shankar Raja when it comes to Selvaraghavan. It amazes me when I imagine the kind of narration Selva would have given for getting such awesome works from Muthukumar and U1!
I don’t find words to explain the feeling I get when I listen to
இது இடைவெளி குறைகிற தருணம்
இரு இதயத்தில் மெல்லிய சலனம்
இனி இரவுகள் இன்னொரு நரகம்
இளமையின் அதிசயம்!
இது கத்தியில் நடந்திடும் பருவம்
தினம் கனவினில் அவரவர் உருவம்
சுடும்நெருப்பினை விரல்களும் விரும்பும்
கடவுளின் ரகசியம்!
Also, THIS!
பறக்காத பறவைக்கெல்லாம் பறவை என்று பெயரில்லை
திறக்காத மனதில் எல்லாம் களவு போக வழியில்லை..
But.. But.. What stands out for me in the whole song is..
நடைபாதை கடையில் உன் பெயர் படித்தால்
நெஞ்சுக்குள் ஏனோ மயக்கங்கள் பிறக்கும்
I’m sure every boy & girl would have experienced this in their life! I DID, & ippo kooda I still do! 😉
Okay.. I really hope this post made you revisit this song & took you down the memory lane to your school days. See you all soon with another one from my “favourites” collection! 🙂 Please write to me your memories associated with this song. Would be really glad to read’em! 🙂
Yours truly, Pattukkaaran 🙂